Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Port Eliot Festival
We are back from Port Eliot Festival and that has got to be the most beautiful festival I've ever been to.

These guys know what they're doing: Every morning, very early a massive and efficient crew roams the grounds and pick up litter, they pick it all up, and get rid of it so that everything looks good for a new day. Not that it's a lot compared to other festivals - people litter less because theres less litter, good old Broken Window Theory - nice to see it in action.

The crowd should have some credit though, the people at this festival are civilized, probably because they have an open mind, because they are interested.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Port Eliot Festival

We'll be mostly offline for the next week or so, do email us, but we'll be slow to reply as we're with The House of Fairy Tales at Port Eliot Festival making and faking medals. Drop by if you're there, if not, watch this space as I'm pretty sure there'll be a write-up once we're back. In the meantime, here's a few impressions of the stall sign coming into existence:

I haven't designed type for a while, so this quick little blackletter was fun to do.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

amazing urban nature
Today was a pretty spectacular day - I had just bought a suit for my wedding and was walking through Soho. On a corner a group of people were twit-piccing away and I thought it was some celeb or a campaign, but it did strike me how in-yer-face they'd be if it was a celeb. When I turned the corner, I saw what had spellbound all these people: A swarm of bees had taken temporary residence on a lamp post, evenly covering about 50cm of it. It was beautiful and it was beautiful to share the moment with a bunch of strangers.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Making and faking
For events like The Artic,A Monster For London,Spin A Yarn signage has been temporary, well, for you and me, that's cardboard. For the next event - that will be outside for three days, we can't rely on lucky sunshine so we're making bona fida wooden signage right now. It'll be nice to not have to worry about rain.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

For your convenience we have installed a new electronic system to keep trolls on site

The new system will ensure trolls are always available for you

Trolls will move freely in the store and carpark

However, trolls will lock if taken beyond the red line across exits from the store.

Friday, July 09, 2010

A luddite use of social media
I'm currently exploring the idea of games and playing as a way to communicate. During the immediate future, I'm trying different things out - hopefully this will benefit clients and audiences. One such experiment is going down Monday at 4PM GMT on my twitter

One of the things that interest me in terms of playing is timing and although the small test game will technically be available on, say Wednesday morning or next year - I'm making it impractical to dig it up again. The test-game is best played Monday afternoon. Besides, it's just a test.